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Eugene Harold Coleman Sr.

3616 Rossville Blvd. / Chattanooga, Tennessee / 34707 / telephone: 423-867-4232


A Prayer for America

Heavenly Father, we come to You in humility to pray for the deliverance of the United States of America. Our client nation is in jeopardy, virtue has given way to degradation, spiritual faith and abundance have declined into complacency and apathy, and terrorism is at our gates. We are spiraling down into degeneracy. We are brought to our knees Father, not by an enemy, but by You.
We recognize that when believers fail, the client nation fails and is punished. Many believers in Jesus Christ in this country are confused about the spiritual life. They have neglected Your infallible Word and have not followed the colors to the high ground of spiritual maturity. But we also recognize, Father, that our nation still has a chance to recover, if believers wake up and begin to fulfill the very purpose for which they are still alive. We pray they might rebound, know the Truth, and keep moving. May they hear the trumpet call to fall in and advance to victory in the spiritual life.
Heavenly Father, we come to you in recognition that You have all the answers. Only you can provide the solutions that will turn the tide of history. We are in Your hands. You can deliver us at any time. So may there be a turning to Thee and the revival of prayer in our country. And when we do not even know how to pray for ourselves, we know God the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with Agroanings which cannot be uttered@and our Lord Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest, makes intercession for us at Your throne.
We are thankful Heavenly Father for the opportunity of being tested. We have no fear when we reside in the plan of God. We know we will survive these adversities with the courage, true peace, and tranquility that come from Bible doctrine circulating in our souls. We know that you cause all things to work together for good to those who love You and are elected on the basis of Your predetermined plan.


We are grateful, Father, for the opportunity as believers to stand in the gap for our nation, to be invisible heroes and have an impact on history in the time in which we live. We thank You that Jesus Christ controls history, and that He never overlooks the advance of the believer to the high ground. Thank you for continuing to give us the necessary time to implant the doctrines from Scripture in our souls so that we might fulfill our responsibilities to the client nation. May we remember, we are here to glorify you.
We pray for our President and our national leaders. May they have courage and wisdom to make decisions that are honorable and compatible with Your plan for this nation. May they calmly and efficiently plan and execute the destruction of our enemies. We pray for those in the military. May they not be discouraged, frightened, or disturbed. May each one know that in battle, killing the enemy is not immoral or sinful. (Here insert your personal petition).
Heavenly Father, we have been given a unique spiritual life and the basis for the recovery of the mature believer. We pray the renewed power of the spiritual life in these United States will play its part in the defeat of our enemy, and great blessing will be restored in this land. Our enemies call us satanic, but may they learn to call us Christian as they see the Power of Heaven itself! Father, we pray in this time of national crisis for a revival such as we have not seen before in our history. We ask this in the name of the King of kings and Lord of lords, even Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

And My people who are called by My name humble      themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
R.B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries